Argyris Tzikopoulos

Mr. Argyris Tzikopoulos is General Manager of JA Greece. From January 2018 to January 2022, he served as President of the Executive Board of Junior Achievement Europe. From January 2019 until today he is MENA Advisory Board Member (OECD – OCDE). For the last 15 years he has been involved in youth entrepreneurship, adaptive and intelligent education systems as well as IoT technologies supporting learning communities, having received national and international awards and holding positions of responsibility at national and European level. He graduated from the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus with a Master’s degree in E-Learning. Finally, he has trained in Leadership at Harvard Business School and in Management for Executives at Penn State University. He has 40 publications in international journals, edited volumes and conference chapters and more than 150 references in his scientific articles.